347 research outputs found

    Multipole-Preserving Quadratures for Discretization of Functions in Real-Space Electronic Structure Calculations

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    Discretizing an analytic function on a uniform real-space grid is often done via a straightforward collocation method. This is ubiquitous in all areas of computational physics and quantum chemistry. An example in Density Functional Theory (DFT) is given by the external potential or the pseudo-potential describing the interaction between ions and electrons. The accuracy of the collocation method used is therefore very important for the reliability of subsequent treatments like self-consistent field solutions of the electronic structure problems. By construction, the collocation method introduces numerical artifacts typical of real-space treatments, like the so-called egg-box error, that may spoil the numerical stability of the description when the real-space grid is too coarse. As the external potential is an input of the problem, even a highly precise computational treatment cannot cope this inconvenience. We present in this paper a new quadrature scheme that is able to exactly preserve the moments of a given analytic function even for large grid spacings, while reconciling with the traditional collocation method when the grid spacing is small enough. In the context of real-space electronic structure calculations, we show that this method improves considerably the stability of the results for large grid spacings, opening the path towards reliable low-accuracy DFT calculations with reduced number of degrees of freedom.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    A Customized 3D GPU Poisson Solver for Free Boundary Conditions

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    A 3-dimensional GPU Poisson solver is developed for all possible combinations of free and periodic boundary conditions (BCs) along the three directions. It is benchmarked for various grid sizes and different BCs and a significant performance gain is observed for problems including one or more free BCs. The GPU Poisson solver is also benchmarked against two different CPU implementations of the same method and a significant amount of acceleration of the computation is observed with the GPU version.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    A wavelet-based Projector Augmented-Wave (PAW) method: reaching frozen-core all-electron precision with a systematic, adaptive and localized wavelet basis set

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    We present a Projector Augmented-Wave~(PAW) method based on a wavelet basis set. We implemented our wavelet-PAW method as a PAW library in the ABINIT package [http://www.abinit.org] and into BigDFT [http://www.bigdft.org]. We test our implementation in prototypical systems to illustrate the potential usage of our code. By using the wavelet-PAW method, we can simulate charged and special boundary condition systems with frozen-core all-electron precision. Furthermore, our work paves the way to large-scale and potentially order-N simulations within a PAW method

    Accurate Complex Scaling of Three Dimensional Numerical Potentials

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    The complex scaling method, which consists in continuing spatial coordinates into the complex plane, is a well-established method that allows to compute resonant eigenfunctions of the time-independent Schroedinger operator. Whenever it is desirable to apply the complex scaling to investigate resonances in physical systems defined on numerical discrete grids, the most direct approach relies on the application of a similarity transformation to the original, unscaled Hamiltonian. We show that such an approach can be conveniently implemented in the Daubechies wavelet basis set, featuring a very promising level of generality, high accuracy, and no need for artificial convergence parameters. Complex scaling of three dimensional numerical potentials can be efficiently and accurately performed. By carrying out an illustrative resonant state computation in the case of a one-dimensional model potential, we then show that our wavelet-based approach may disclose new exciting opportunities in the field of computational non-Hermitian quantum mechanics.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Fragment Approach to Constrained Density Functional Theory Calculations using Daubechies Wavelets

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    In a recent paper we presented a linear scaling Kohn-Sham density functional theory (DFT) code based on Daubechies wavelets, where a minimal set of localized support functions is optimized in situ and therefore adapted to the chemical properties of the molecular system. Thanks to the systematically controllable accuracy of the underlying basis set, this approach is able to provide an optimal contracted basis for a given system: accuracies for ground state energies and atomic forces are of the same quality as an uncontracted, cubic scaling approach. This basis set offers, by construction, a natural subset where the density matrix of the system can be projected. In this paper we demonstrate the flexibility of this minimal basis formalism in providing a basis set that can be reused as-is, i.e. without reoptimization, for charge-constrained DFT calculations within a fragment approach. Support functions, represented in the underlying wavelet grid, of the template fragments are roto-translated with high numerical precision to the required positions and used as projectors for the charge weight function. We demonstrate the interest of this approach to express highly precise and efficient calculations for preparing diabatic states and for the computational setup of systems in complex environments